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Commands for WP-CLI

Sword commands are automatically loaded so you don't need to include them in your functions.php of your theme. They are WordpressService classes under the hood.

Create a command

To create a WP-CLI command, the only thing to do is to create a class extending WordpressCommand.

Try this by creating this file in your Sword project: src/Wordpress/Command/TweetCommand.php.


namespace App\Wordpress\Command;

use Sword\SwordBundle\Attribute\AsWordpressCommand;
use Sword\SwordBundle\Command\WordpressCommand;
use WP_CLI;

#[AsWordpressCommand(name: 'tweet')]
class TweetCommand extends WordpressCommand
     * Tweets a blog post
     * @synopsis --post-id=<post-id>
    public function __invoke(array $arguments, array $options)
        $postId = (int) ($options['post-id'] ?? 0);

        // Do something with $postId

        WP_CLI::success('Tweet sent.');

Requesting Symfony services and parameters

Your command will probably need to call a Symfony service to handle things. In our example, let's call a Twitter service that will handle the tweet.

The first step is to register this service as a public service. To do so, simply add it to the list of the public services in /config/packages/sword.yaml:

    # ...
        - App\Social\Twitter

Then use it in your command:


namespace App\Wordpress\Command;

use App\Social\Twitter;
use Sword\SwordBundle\Attribute\AsWordpressCommand;
use Sword\SwordBundle\Command\WordpressCommand;
use WP_CLI;

use function Sword\SwordBundle\Helper\get_symfony_service;

#[AsWordpressCommand(name: 'tweet')]
class TweetCommand extends WordpressCommand
     * Tweets a blog post
     * @synopsis --post-id=<post-id>
    public function __invoke(array $arguments, array $options)
        $postId = (int) ($options['post-id'] ?? 0);

        if (!get_symfony_service(Twitter::class)->tweet($postId)) {
            WP_CLI::error('The tweet cannot be sent.');

        WP_CLI::success('Tweet sent.');

Calling your command

To call your tweet command, here's how to call it:

docker compose exec -u 82:82 php bin/console wp tweet --post-id=123

And if you've aliased as explained here, that will be as short as:

wp tweet --post-id=123

Released under the MIT License.