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This section will show you how to render Symfony assets in WordPress.


We'll simply use the default assets that Symfony gives us for a new project installation, and render a Stimulus controller in a WordPress page. You don't need to create js or css files for this tutorial.

Install Encore and build assets

A fresh Sword project doesn't have Encore installed yet. Install it by running this command:

composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle

And build the assets:

yarn install
yarn dev

Render scripts and styles on WordPress

Unlike a regular Symfony app using Twig templates, we need to print the <script> and <style> tags in a WordPress template. To do that we'll hook wp_head for the CSS and wp_footer for the JavaScript.



namespace App\Wordpress;

use Sword\SwordBundle\Service\AbstractWordpressService;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;
use Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\Asset\TagRenderer;

final class Assets extends AbstractWordpressService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly TagRenderer $tagRenderer,
    ) {

    public function initialize(): void
        add_action('wp_head', [$this, 'renderSymfonyStyles']);
        add_action('wp_footer', [$this, 'renderSymfonyScripts']);

    public function renderSymfonyStyles(): void
        echo $this->tagRenderer
            ->renderWebpackLinkTags('app', null, '_default', []);

    public function renderSymfonyScripts(): void
        echo $this->tagRenderer
            ->renderWebpackScriptTags('app', null, '_default', []);


The code above is the equivalent of calling twig functions {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }} and {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}.

Read more about the frontend in Symfony

At this point, you should notice your page became gray, because the example CSS file /assets/styles/app.css sets body to gray.

Gray page

Create a shortcode for a Stimulus controller

Now let's create a shortcode so we don't have to edit the page template.



namespace App\Wordpress;

use Sword\SwordBundle\Service\AbstractWordpressService;
use Twig\Environment;

final class HelloStimulusShortcode extends AbstractWordpressService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Environment $twig,
    ) {

    public function initialize(): void
        add_shortcode('hello_stimulus', [$this, 'renderShortcode']);

    public function renderShortcode(): string
        return $this->twig->render('wordpress/shortcode/hello_stimulus.html.twig');

And its template /templates/wordpress/shortcode/hello_stimulus.html.twig:

<div {{ stimulus_controller('hello') }}></div>

Insert the shortcode in post

Final step, edit Hello world! post and insert the shortcode in the content.

Edit Hello world! post

And admire the rendered page:

View Hello world! post

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